Working one-on-one with Lisa is an opportunity to be seen, heard, and held in your experiences. Together you will explore your unique and ever-changing internal landscape, seeking to release dams, call in diversions, find oases in the desert, dig for freshwater, clear pollutants, and bring a stop to misuses, all in ways that are creative, intuitive, and inspired by nature.
A diverse set of modalities are drawn upon to meet the desires and curiosities of each woman. Individual sessions may include one or more of those described below.
Creative Facilitation is the practice of guiding individuals and groups through expressive arts activities (writing, visual arts, movement, music, drama) for the purpose of activating the powers of the right brain. Right brain activation empowers people to recognize patterns and make meaning, and gives them pathways to artistically and holistically move energy, process experiences, and transform stories.
Lisa's Creative Facilitation activities are primarily nature-based and nature-inspired, helping clients deepen their connections both with their Inner Artist and with the creative energy of the Earth itself. With these connections restored, clients can then draw upon their ways and wisdom to support their healing and transformation journeys.
Coaching is an ongoing, collaborative partnership between a coach and a client that focuses on developing, challenging and supporting the client so they become more ready, willing, and able in their chosen areas of focus. It builds from the foundation that individuals are creative, resourceful, and whole, and do not need fixing. Coaching conversations are present- and future-focused, and center around the questions: What's true now? What do you want to be true in the future? What steps are yours to take?
Lisa works from a coaching philosophy with all of her clients and carries specific expertise in supporting clients that are planning for, moving through, and/or recovering from significant experiences of death, dying, grief and loss.
Mythic Healing Journeys use shamanic drum journey and automatic writing practices to connect clients with the wisdom, insight, and imagery of the unseen worlds of spirit, soul, myth, archetype, fairy tale, intuition, higher Self, and more, so they can receive loving, light-filled, and ease-full support, guidance, and healing in their darkest moments.
Clients work with Lisa to clarify and craft the question or intention they want support with. Then Lisa journeys on their behalf, bringing back rich written and visual descriptions of the experience. Follow-up conversations further unpack meaning and messages and often reveal inspiring and soul-nourishing calls to action for clients to carry forward.
Energy Healing uses a combination of reiki and shamanic healing practices to clean and clear negative and/or dense energies in the client's field while inviting in more peace, comfort, and light. Reiki is a natural, light- or no-touch energy-based healing technique that supports deep relaxation and the reduction of stress and anxiety. Shamanic healing practices draw upon the support and guidance of helping spirits to respond to the client concerns and desires and can include the use of shamanic tools like drums, rattles, feathers and more to restore the flow of energy within the body.
In Energy Healing sessions, Lisa invites clients to bring voice to their current and desired energetic experiences, then responds intuitively, typically offering gentle, hands-on touch to clients while lying down and using hand-made shamanic tools to further support energetic release and restoration.
Custom Artwork translates the realms of imagination and language into physical form, grounding ideas and concepts into shape, color and dimensionality.
Lisa makes herself available to clients as a conduit, or channel, of creative expression to make manifest tools, talismans, and totems that support clients on their journeys. Custom Artwork is most often coupled with, and inspired by, Mythic Healing Journeys.
A full collection of artwork prints are also available in the Women of the Water online store.
Doula Support services give clients nearing end-of-life or navigating life-threatening circumstances the holistic, hands-on support they need to define and carry their end-of-life visions through to fruition. Services take place in the client’s home or community and vary from client to client. They may include, but are not limited to:
"Leading up to my first meeting with Lisa, I felt overwhelmed in the ever-treading waters I was handling with my own mother coming into closer connection with her death. I felt unprepared and exhausted, a complete inability to connect with any aspects that were unfolding, and almost in a freeze response to a situation that was much too large for me to hold.
Following my consultation with Lisa, I immediately felt relief, a knowing that there is another way to move forward, and there are options, arms to lean into, deep support, ways to engage in a nurturing manner, and different glasses to try on. Each session I have received death doula support from Lisa, I am further able to open to the sacredness, tenderness, presence, and total trust of death unfolding. "